Just as it says: "Innocent until proven guilty'. It is not just a statement, but it is how the law that covers all Americans per the U.S. Constitution. For the past 2 weeks I have been serving on jury duty to determine whether a certain man was guilty of first degree murder. This man is not a 'choir boy' to begin with, which the evidence pointed to his past involvment and him currently serving time on drug charges.
The Assistant District Attorney tried to link the accused to the victim thru a managerie of testimony regarding the original crime of burglary and kidnapping and then retaliation for the robbery which led to the murder. He had witnesses who were serving time or had served time to come forward and try to link the accused to the victim, but their testimony was questionable given their sentences were shortened by their willingness to testify and some contradiction to each others memory.
I have been torn during the process as to which of these witnesses to believe and whether to believe thier words at all but the underlying thing was some of their testimony seemed to not be very believable. I must admit however, I was one of three which were not so sure that we were making a correct decision in acquitting Mr. B. of this crime. He is currently serving a 33 year sentence for the drug issues he was involved in before, so he won't be getting out any time soon.
After the verdict was read, Mr. B. seemed to say "Thank You Jesus" and look up toward heaven, and he had a smile and tears in his eyes too. I hope that he does, in fact, know Jesus and it would be a real Blessing to believe that maybe he has come to know Him during his time in prison!
This has all been a very difficult time in my life seeing how these young men could commit such a violent crime and how human life is so cheapened by society today. We no longer value the life of others, whether it be the unborn or the unloved or misfits who cannot fit in to society without surrounding themselves with other 'characters' who they hang with to makes themselves feel some sort of worth or value. And many times these 'characters' are more known for the crimes they commit and the lifestyle that they live rather than who they really are as a person who is loved by God, which we all are! But God gave His ONLY Son for people like Mr. B and the victim, 'Marty' as well all those involved and the one who actually pulled the trigger--"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." John 3:16
I am not sure whether Mr. B. is innocent of this killing, but the state did not prove that he did do it either. The burden of proof was on the state and he is innocent until proven guilty.