Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My 'Scratch'

Today we went to the funeral-life celebration of our friend Lois McDowell which was held at GCC in Cornelius. Pastor Greg gave this analogy of our life: Place an imaginary cable right in front of your eyes going from left to right for infinity. Now place a scratch on the cable, which indicates the length of your life. As compared to the total length of the cable, which is endless, this small 'scratch' is very short in comparison with our life here on earth. God created each of us to live forever...and we will, either with Him in heaven when we die or being punished in hell for all eternity, if we reject the offer of His Son's payment for our sins, which He made on Calvary's Cross.
But either way, our time here on earth is illustrated by the 'scratch' on the cable!

So, after stealing Pastor Greg's illustration today...what will I do with my 'scratch'?? Does my life make a difference in the grand scheme of things going on in the world today?? Will I be remembered for some great accomplishment that I make while living in this 'tent' of a body that we call human?? Have I made some great discovery that will influence millions after I have passed thru the door of death into life?? Am I serving my Master as well as He would have me to do??

Or am I an 'ant' in a world filled with ants which go thru life with a daily task, moving my piece of sand from place to place...digging a hole one day and re-filling it the next??

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