Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My 'Scratch'

Today we went to the funeral-life celebration of our friend Lois McDowell which was held at GCC in Cornelius. Pastor Greg gave this analogy of our life: Place an imaginary cable right in front of your eyes going from left to right for infinity. Now place a scratch on the cable, which indicates the length of your life. As compared to the total length of the cable, which is endless, this small 'scratch' is very short in comparison with our life here on earth. God created each of us to live forever...and we will, either with Him in heaven when we die or being punished in hell for all eternity, if we reject the offer of His Son's payment for our sins, which He made on Calvary's Cross.
But either way, our time here on earth is illustrated by the 'scratch' on the cable!

So, after stealing Pastor Greg's illustration today...what will I do with my 'scratch'?? Does my life make a difference in the grand scheme of things going on in the world today?? Will I be remembered for some great accomplishment that I make while living in this 'tent' of a body that we call human?? Have I made some great discovery that will influence millions after I have passed thru the door of death into life?? Am I serving my Master as well as He would have me to do??

Or am I an 'ant' in a world filled with ants which go thru life with a daily task, moving my piece of sand from place to place...digging a hole one day and re-filling it the next??

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Windshield Or Rear-View Mirror

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard this statment and decided it would make a great topic. How do I live my I live it looking thru the 'windshield' of life or do I spend it looking thru the 'rear-view mirror'??
To be honest, I'm afraid that I spend wayyyy too much time looking back than ahead! Is it because there is safety in looking back, in that it's already done and not 'risky'?? Was it really all that great that I don't want to let it go?? How many times...hundreds of times have I wished that I could just go back to 'those days when...'?? I would honestly be ashamed to say, for myself.
I have some wonderful memories of times spent at Grace, when we were at the YMCA and times were difficult but it was a very pleasant and pleasing time. And to be honest, I miss those days terribly. Simple times, growing times, times of great friendships and great expectations for myself and for those around me. Days when everything was fresh and new and well...exciting!
I had a time while I worked at Palliser...and at Eagle that were days that built wonderful memories and friendships that I truly wish were still active. My friend Tony was still alive and he taught me so much about what it is to be a friend and to be funny and kind and creative and...but Tony is gone. He took his own life and I still wrestle with the 'what ifs'...
And going back some more we had days with Christy and Josh and Ricky and all the crazy things that we did together and the memories that we built. And also Betsy, Genie and Kim and we watched them grow up as well. Lots of memories, lots of regrets, lots of joy, lots of not-so-much joy, but none-the-less days that can only be seen thru the rear-view mirror!
What lies ahead?? What is in the windshield of life?? My Mom and Denise's Mom are both in questionable health, as are my Dad and Step-Mom. All are in their 70's-80's...of course none of us are promised another breath, much-less tomorrow. Thankfully, they are all a part of the "Family" so either tomorrow we will see them here on earth or we'll see them in Heaven on another day!
Our future as a country...a free country with freedoms that were bought with the blood of many brave men and women becomes less and less likely in the days and years ahead. A part of me knows that in the end times the likelihood of a powerful America is questionable at best and it makes me sad to think of this... but I believe it to be true and with the current chaos that is prominent in our government leaders is a terrifying thought. Their leadership skills mirror the stupid, idiotic, anti-God ideals that have been a part of liberal agendas for decades! Pro-life and pro-family ideals and a Biblical world view is being attacked more and more every day--HERE in America! Not just around the world!!
And me? I'm 51 and as I grow older each day, I feel a certain drain of the years gone by and the hopes and fears in my own mind are enough to repell the 'windshield' view of life. I do however look forward to spending Eternity with my Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all those saints that have gone on before me and those whom I know--or at least surmise are headed there as well! I am also excited about meeting some of the 'giants' of the faith that come from my own era-- like Dr. James Kennedy, Bill Bright, Cassie Bernall and a host of others as well as some who are still with us, but that I will never meet in person like Dr. Billy Graham, Chuck Swindoll, Greg Laurie, Dr. James Dobson, Mylon LeFevre and many, many more!
Windshield....Or Rear-View Mirror???? Which will it be??

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Perfect World

What would a "Perfect World" be? As I finished a conversation with a friend today, I considered this question...what made me do so was that I was reflecting on our relationship over the years and it made me realize that very question. We have had a sorof "love/hate relationship" but honestly I have a great deal of love and respect for him!

Here's my MY perfect world, everyone would be like me...think like me...act like me...process others JUST like things my out life like I think they should...say yes and say no to the same things that I say yes and no to...

How many times have I said to myself "I sure wish _____ would do that differently!" "How can _____ do that???" "Why can't he just ______ that the right way!??" "I don't understand why _____ can't just figure out how that's supposed to be....That's the way we USED to do it!!!"

UNdeniably, I must live in a DREAM world--and NOT a 'Perfect World'! My perfect world...

You know, in my perfect world, I would gather all these friends and explain my 'perfect world' scenario for them and help them to understand that they MUST play together and LIKE it...and thus make my "Perfect World" possible!

Actually, I really DO like people and I think that has a two-edged sword for me because I tend to withdraw from making 'new friends' because of the craziness that goes on inside my head! I have some....many friends who refuse to fit inside my 'perfect world' and have the gall to go ahead and search for their OWN perfect world!!!

If only they KNEW what my "Perfect World" could offer them...

Good day! :O)