Monday, October 26, 2009

Innocent Until PROVEN Guilty

Just as it says: "Innocent until proven guilty'. It is not just a statement, but it is how the law that covers all Americans per the U.S. Constitution. For the past 2 weeks I have been serving on jury duty to determine whether a certain man was guilty of first degree murder. This man is not a 'choir boy' to begin with, which the evidence pointed to his past involvment and him currently serving time on drug charges.

The Assistant District Attorney tried to link the accused to the victim thru a managerie of testimony regarding the original crime of burglary and kidnapping and then retaliation for the robbery which led to the murder. He had witnesses who were serving time or had served time to come forward and try to link the accused to the victim, but their testimony was questionable given their sentences were shortened by their willingness to testify and some contradiction to each others memory.

I have been torn during the process as to which of these witnesses to believe and whether to believe thier words at all but the underlying thing was some of their testimony seemed to not be very believable. I must admit however, I was one of three which were not so sure that we were making a correct decision in acquitting Mr. B. of this crime. He is currently serving a 33 year sentence for the drug issues he was involved in before, so he won't be getting out any time soon.

After the verdict was read, Mr. B. seemed to say "Thank You Jesus" and look up toward heaven, and he had a smile and tears in his eyes too. I hope that he does, in fact, know Jesus and it would be a real Blessing to believe that maybe he has come to know Him during his time in prison!

This has all been a very difficult time in my life seeing how these young men could commit such a violent crime and how human life is so cheapened by society today. We no longer value the life of others, whether it be the unborn or the unloved or misfits who cannot fit in to society without surrounding themselves with other 'characters' who they hang with to makes themselves feel some sort of worth or value. And many times these 'characters' are more known for the crimes they commit and the lifestyle that they live rather than who they really are as a person who is loved by God, which we all are! But God gave His ONLY Son for people like Mr. B and the victim, 'Marty' as well all those involved and the one who actually pulled the trigger--"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." John 3:16

I am not sure whether Mr. B. is innocent of this killing, but the state did not prove that he did do it either. The burden of proof was on the state and he is innocent until proven guilty.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The PERFECT Job!!!

As many of you know (maybe) I have been unemployed for almost a year now--technically since the middle of December last year...but I have found the perfect job! Tony LaRussa, the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals for several years now...and he usually signs a one-year contract with the Cards each year...but so far he is undecided about next year as far as returning for another year or retiring. He is 65 years old...there could be an opportunity there!!!

I, of course, would speak on my own behalf and be my own agent in any negatiations with the Cardinals but I'm pretty sure we could hammer out a deal within a few hours of intense negotiations. My expertise and loyalty should be considered in the deal and I've been there for them thru some good years and some pretty lean years! They have the makings of a pretty big winner, I just believe that a new skipper with one goal of winning the World Series and bringing that Championship trophy back to St. Louis would be a determing factor in any deal that we could make.

Of course, if they balk in the negotiations I may determine to go after another coveted position that may be opening soon: radio broadcaster. Mike Shannon is getting close to retirement age as well so there could be an opening in the Cardinals radio network that broadcasts all their games...both spring training and during the season too! I must admit that my experience may be limited in the airwaves field but I do have the face for radio!!

I'll be working on my resume.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Will I May

Denise and I had a conversation yesterday that made me do some thinking and altho I have no root answers, I have given it some thought! What to do about it is obvious, but but therein lies the complexity of it. What to do with all my stuff!!??

As persons who have passed the age of 50 we are realizing how stupid it is to not have a will. Along with the fact that there will never be any $$$ money to squabble about because even now there is never enough even in the good times and that is even magnified during these "difficult financial times", which is 'Demo-eze' for recession, which equals no jobs, which equals no money $$$! I can make light of this in that I am in my second...yes second major lay-off in four years and after having worked for the past 31 years without much incident, it qualms at the shock of having to go thru this yet again!

It has however come at a interesting time given the fact that my Dad has esophageal cancer and his lifespan looks to be shorter than longer. I am Blessed and fortunate to have this opportunity to be 'off' to at least be available to be there and spend some time with him, since I didn't as a youth, but that is for another story. The story now is: will I??!

It's a sad story too as I realize that two of my children have absolutely no dealings with me whatsoever and there are two who are on the fringes, who are there when convenient and it pleases them. Ok, I can deal with that is what it is and truth in relationships has long been not-so-much in my family for gemerations now so it is basically par for the course! One has already gone home to be with Jesus so he has no need for 'stuff' anymore and there is one who is likely the only one who will be there till the end! Toche!

In that I have stuff that will have no face value to any one after I am gone for much of my stuff has been around for a lot of my life. Baseball cards that were worth anything have long ago been sold and the sheer numbers of those 'left behind' is enormous if not lucrative! Baseball, NASCAR, and few football which mostly consists of Carolina Panthers and an assortment of those whom I really don't know the value...which in these 'difficult financial times' cards are NOT a priority in any person's imagination, even my own! As a long-time collector I have gone high and low to collect those that I had and have, but today the collection is all but worthless. My Lou Brock cards (he has been my lifetime favorite player for the St. Louis Cardinals!!) remain my all-time favorites, and in the Beckett his cards are fairly expensive...the truth is that a person would never get out of them what I have put into them!

A will, a will....hmmm what I mostly leave behind besides stuff is a legacy of what?? Broken relationships, forgotten promises, burned bridges, backward thinking, do I need to go on?? My hope would be to leave behind at least this: the absolute importance of finding and having a relationship with Jesus Christ and to know Him as Lord and Savior and having a lasting relationship with Him. That would be what I would want to leave behind--not so much by my own example but because of His Gift to us!

Will I may...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Growing Old (er)

Yesterday I reached a new milestone-52 years old! "Blessed with the joy of living" is what local radio host Pat Shannon says daily on his 'Home Ad' show when someone asks him how he is doing...And I am as well! God has been good to me these 52 years and I have to proclaim His goodness to all! That's not to say that life has been a 'box of chocolates either, but in the grand scheme of things life has been good!

Christy and I took a "Day-cation" on Wednesday to commerate the beginning of my 'Birthday Celebration", which is a month-long (at least) observance of the passing of time--at least I celebrate that long!!! We drove up to the Parkway and went to Doughton Park (where we had about a 6 mile hike)and on to The Cascades (which was beautiful!), both of which can be easily accessed by going up Hwy. 21 to right above Roaring Gap. It was a GORGEOUS day, chilly and windy but an awesome day of hiking and scenic photography! I took 561 pictures(!) of which a few came out to look pretty nice, but it was a great way to start the festivities!! We are definitely going to return there again!! BTW--I took an even 1800 pictures last month!!!! Definitely a record!!!!!

We are hoping to go to Horse & Mule Days in Denton next weekend for another opportunity to add to the collection of pictures that we are taking!! Our State and other magazines are awaiting our entries!!

I've had a short vacation away from my duties at Grace in the past 2 weeks as well and with a couple of Homecomings to maybe attend, I may have a couple more weeks 'off'. I enjoy doing the PowerPoint there at church but I have two capable assistants and I need to 'grow my team' so this gives tham an opportunity to bloom as well!!

I'm still unemployed (obviously!) but it has come at a very good time for me considering the declining health of my Dad, who has Esophaegal Cancer, which they have determined to be terminal. Of course, man cannot make that declaration, only God can make such a claim, but as far as man goes his time on this side of eternity is seemingly short. We all "like grass wither away" and it is "appointed man once to die" as I myself must face one day if not for the Rapture first but it is a difficult time to watch him grow increasingly more taken by this dreaded disease. Who would think that a condition that multiplies cells within your body could have such a horrible effect on your health?? An almost silent killer, at least there is no visible signs of it, but one that has taken more loved ones than I care to even say! Even now, we have another dear friend who is fighting off this growing fire within. When will it stop... and WILL it before Jesus comes??

Growing older has other issues too as our own health may be in question and countless other 'bumps in the raod' happen as time marches on. But you know, the neat thing about it is.....God's ALREADY there!!