Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life Without Daylight Donuts!

My original title was to be "Life Without Reese's Cups", but my true heart belongs to 'Daylight Donuts'. Since we began Weight Watcher's on May 2nd, which we are in our 13th week, I have had 2 DD's. Yes, two Daylight Donuts. I am happy to say that it was 15.8 pounds ago as well, but the DD's are a fond memory and at times...I find that I simply MUST have one in my hand! The devil's food chocolate with chocolate icing is my all-time favorite and hence the name 'devil's food' may say it all.

Like sin, it tastes good, looks good...even feels good to the touch, but it is dispairingly harmful to our bodies and in the case of sin, our spirit as well. How do we/I cope with this feeling of need for a Daylight Donut? In my case it is easier to stay away from the store and thus be kept from the danger of giving in to temptation. I do admit however, that I have twice given in to my desires for the chocolatey delight and with only one each time, there has been no harm done.

In the case of sin, whatever face sin may take on today, whether it be a small lie, or a slight deception, or an ounce of lust, or perhaps it is an omission of something that God has for me to do which I sortof talk myself out of doing, something small and trivial or maybe something of great importance! Sin is as black as black and as deceptive as a 'Daylight Donut', and sometimes it may even appear just as desirable.

Am I perfect? Do I sin? Ever? Am I tempted at the least? What exactly is sin??? Come on...I'll just drive by maybe and smell 'em...

Daylight Donuts is just right down the road...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are We Ready???

Back in the day, the Cuban Missile Crisis was on the minds of all Americans. I remember being school at Hawthorne Elementary in Oklahoma City, that we routinely practiced our 'emergency readiness' by having random drills of getting under our desks, folding our hands behind our heads and being "ready" for what may come. It wasn't a time of chaos or great fear, but one of readiness for what situation may come!

On another front, today, as we live in a world that has been forever changed by events that occured at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado on April 20th, 1999 and also on our nation's Capital and at the Pentegon on Sept. 11th, 2001, we are forever looking out for what may come next! Ours in not a safe world anymore, the era of innocence is lost forever in this world in which we live. Every single day you can switch on the news and hear of attrocities that happen so often that we aren't even shocked any more to hear of over-night robberies and killings, gang members killing other gang members, husbands killing their familes and then themselves or a serial killer who is murdering random folks in small Gaffney, South Carolina.

What's going on?? Why is this happening?? What has happened to open the door for all these bad things to happen in the strongest nation on earth?? Well, the Bible clearly tells us that in the Last Days, there will be complete moral deterioration. Is that happening now? Do we, as a nation, kill innocent babies and call it "a Mother's choice"? Are we pressed to recognized not only same-sex relationships, but we are currently being forced, little-by-little to even recognize these 'couples' as "married" and thus redeem the same benefits that are given to God-Blessed, and Ordained Marriages?! Is our overall view of human life drifting on to discount those who are elderly or afflicted by disease so as to reduce thier right to life at all?

What about all this 'instant knowledge' we share with cell phones that have internet access, iPods, iPhones, web cameras all over the world, satellite tv etc. We hear about happenings a thousand miles away almost instantly as it happens. We have Facebook and Twitter where we can share knowledge even faster than CNN!

Isaiah 5:20 says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

Are we living like this today? Does this sound like the year 2009?? Or is it like 'Star Wars' or something out in the future??

John 14

2"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
3"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
4"And you know the way where I am going."

Are we living in the Last Days??? Jesus Christ IS coming back! And SOON!

Are we ready???????????

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Has Happened To Our Culture?

As I was listening to my mp3 player this morning while I walked, I was listening to some old TV songs and it made me think about this topic, and how in each of the recent decades, the TV shows have reflected the heart of America.

In the 50's and 60's we had such classics as "Father Knows Best", "Dobie Gillis" My Three Sons', "Leave It To Beaver", "Gilligan's Island" and "The Andy Griffith Show". Times back then were simple and "getting into trouble at school" consisted of talking in class and running in the halls.

Then in the 70's and 80's we had "Happy Days'", "Laverne & Shirley", "Newhart", "The A Team", "Mission Impossible", "Dallas" and "The Cosby Show". Times were beginning to change, and the drug scene was developing in schools but there was still a sense of "who's in charge and who is not'!

In the 90's we had "Beavis And Butt-Head", "Married With Children", "The Simpsons", "Roseanne", "South Park" and "The Supranos and we began a time of moral breakdown during which children began killing children, drugs and sex are common if not required, it has become not even safe to send your children to public schools!

And what about today's TV programs?? We have "The Family Guy", "American Dad", "Desperate Housewives", "Dark Angel", "Scrubs", "Two And a Half Men", and "CSI--everywhere"! Not only are the schools not safe anymore, it's not safe in many of America's streets because of the development of 'street gangs', which are mostly our young people left alone to their own vices, trying to fit in and the guy who, has grown up without love and has become mad at the world and wants to kill anyone who moves!

Add to that, the 'music' that has came with each passing decade and we no longer sing of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" but our society wants us to even ban the word Christmas for a much more acceptable term that is 'tolerant of all religions', the words 'winter holiday'.

All this reflects the true hearts of Americans today. It's a sad time to be sure and we are truly living in the "last days"!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Pop Culture?!

The past 10 days or so have been filled with almost non-stop 'Michael Jackson deleria'. And that begs me the question of "Why is America so inclined to worship that which is so vain, and not to worship Him Who is Holy??" As an American culture it is most often that those who are the most vile in morals, whether it be a 50 year old child/adult accused of child-molestation, or a man who has come from a thug-type background to become the 'king of the world--the president of the United States!
(Another question: How many millions of dollars $$$$ will the state of California spend on his fiasco funeral?? Money that the state doesn't have now, with the threat of issuing IOU's for their debt??)

Why are these men worshipped as they are? First of all, it proves that as a nation we no longer have a Biblical world-view, that which weighs our values with the Bible and casts off that which doesn't align itself with God in all things. Then, that becomes a secular world-view, which would have one to deem that whatever is right in his own eyes, is right!

Well, you say, MJ nor Barack Hussein Obama are really worshipped. Really!!? What is worship?? Glad you asked!

worship= love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"

Now is that not how Michael Jackson and Barack Obama are portrayed? Have either been associated with their Biblical world-view so as to be leaders among men? Have either ever portrayed a character which would bring one to believe that they are God-fearing, God-honoring, God-loving, moral, individuals who would possess any of the fruits of the Spirit? (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control). The Bible DOES say to 'test the spirits'.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1

Well, you decide!

**I write this not as a demeaning word on Michael Jackson. He was a very talented man with a lot of issues in his personal life, much like that which we all face from one time to another. It is that struggle that confirms who we are in the eyes of God and man. I do write this to make us think about the culture that we live in and the 'idols' that we bow down to, whether we admit it or not!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independence Is NOT Free

Having just written about freedom for those in Iran, I would be remiss if I didn't write about our own freedom! First of all, let me say that I LOVE Independence Day and all the celebrations that we Americans have during this time! Many thousands, if not MILLIONS have died in the past 200+ years as we struggled to have independence and then as we continue to wrestle with those who would take it away.Whether an enemy on foreign soil, or those politicians who would strip our freedoms away, our liberty is constantly in question!

Why is freedom so desired? Why have we seen countless Americans die for the cause of this word: freedom? Look again at the situation in Iran as those young rebels stand in the very face of death and they decry that their vote was hindered, not even counted, by those who are in power and desirous of keeping that power, even if it means killing their own citizens to keep it!??

What cost freedom and liberty?? I think sometimes we are totally oblivious to the freedoms we have, freedom of speech, freedom to worship...or to not worship, freedom to bear arms, freedom to peacibly assemble...and countless other freedoms that we enjoy but take for granted!

In America, I think oftentimes people forget one fact though: "Your freedom ends where my freedom begins!" You don't have the right nor the freedom to infringe on my freedom and rights, whether in word or in deed!

Let freedom ring, on this Independence Day 2009!!