Friday, January 22, 2010


Do I ever hate change! It happens all the time! Yet, as I grow older I hate it more and more! At times, change is good and rarely do I ever agree with that until it is hindsight and I'm looking back instead of forward! And truth be told, change is the only constant in life! "What is changing?" you ask...

Well, we have changed into a new year...the old one was ok I guess but 22 days ago we bounced right into a new one, like it or not. With that comes new laws, another new tax year, something else to remember when writing checks etc. (I still catch myself writing 2009) and there's new opportunities... for service, for growth, for opportunity! Which of these will it be in 2010?? For me?? For you??

I began a journey on the 4th of Jan. to embark on a new career, or at least a new direction. I have registered for a EMT-B class, which will possibly enable me to become a EMT Basic and possibly and hopefully, a job with NuCare ambulance service! If not that, it will certainly open a few more doors of opportunity that right now does not exist for me. This training will also enable me to be more efficient while staying with my Mom, on the nights that my sister Sandy works for the County (EMS). I stay with Mom and due to her health issues at least I would have the skills to be of benefit! It will also help me maybe with my Dad, as he is still fighting off the death-grip of esophageal cancer and you never know what medical emergency he may require.
As a child my first desire was to become a doctor. When reality set in and I determined that I wasn't going to make the kind of grades and have the money for med school, I quickly sought a new life desire: Paleontologist. And after that followed a dream to become a Major League Baseball player-- a dream that I only recently gave up on as a 50+ year old rookie might not have a very good chance to hit a 90 mile an hour fastball--or pitch one!

So it's kindof funny the irony of this EMT class!!

Other changes that have recently occured in my life has been my stepping down as PowerPoint person at Grace. The itch is still there to be honest because I do enjoy 'creating' stuff on the computer, as witnessed by my websites and other adventures here on the web...but the decision to begin using the Easy Worship program and by my helpers desiring more and more Sundays-- it became clear that this would be a pretty good time to step aside. I have done PowerPoint for several years, to be honest I don't remember how long exactly! I know that Pastor Greg had asked me to help out Lorri, who was the PPT. queen! She is super smart and everything that I did RIGHT is because of Lorri and everything that I messed up on was all my own doing! At the time I was helping Lorri and Bev....when Bev left I was Lorri's backup and when Lorri left I was up. The PPT. 'job' was a stressful and rewarding one for sure--stressful b/c of the songs...always the songs. When Jim was the Worship Leader the songs were pretty much a 'piece of cake' but after he left it seems that the stress bagan. 'They' say that the Easy Worship is much easier than PPT. and easier to go between verse and chorus etc. Maybe. Two monitors and two open programs doesn't seem easier to me gives opportunity to my replacements!

And the rewarding thing was on that rare occasion when I didn't make any mistakes, when the colors and the text all looked great, the song slides were all in sequence and I had all the announcement slides up-to-date! PowerPoint really looked good on those huge moniters on the wall!!

I have gone back to going to church with Denise, it just seems to make sense. As I begin this new challenge of 'the class' I just think I need to shed all the stress that I possibly can and even in that there is new opportunities and open doors. I'm not gonna talk about that right now...just stuff on the back burner...but we'll see how those things go in the future. It is kindof nice to go to church with Denise and to see some of the old friends from my (Christian) childhood and new friends too!

I'm not sure of the other changes that are in store for this new year. I know that somehow I'm gonna need to find a about 20 million of my closest friends, so we'll see how that all plays out too...

Let's see....the arm bone connected to the hand bone...the hand bone connected (or disconnected......) ☺

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