Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Do I Know???

I was out raking leaves a little bit ago and thinking about how differently I look at this meanial task this year. Maybe it's because of my love of photography and thinking back to all the pictures that I've taken this year of leaves and how much I have enjoyed the fall season! The colors have been wonderful and until just recently, they have lasted for a good while! Actually, just a few days ago we were admiring a young maple tree in the woods behind the house and the spectacular yellow color that it still held!

I have lived thru a very interesting year...with plenty of ups and downs thrown in there too! It started in January with Denise tripping and faloling aas we were going in to K-Mart and breaking her kneecap. Also in January, BS-Obama took over and in his almost 11 months in office has done a tremendous job at trying to ruin this country and put us into a position in which we will never recover! Never in my most horrible nightmares have I ever dreamed that a Muslim, who among other things is a two-faced liar would become leader of the free world. I know it is all a part of God's Master Plan, one in which we as mortals are just clueless as to His methods but not the OUTCOME! Barack's arrogance and indifference is what really puts me over the edge...but, I'm not here to write about his arrogant self, I am writing about my own adventure in 2009...

In May my Mom had her gall bladder removed and for a while she did really well with it and for the past few months it seems like she is again bothered by sporadic sickness. In August we found out that my Dad has had a reoccurance of his cancer, this time in his esophagas. The first prognosis was terminal so he got a second opinion at Baptist Hospital and for the past couple of months he has undergone treatment there, both radiation and chemo. He is presently at Baptist after having his feeding tube slip somehow and rip a hole in his stomach. In about 6 weeks, they will do some more tests to see if the radiation and chemo have been successful in slowing down or killing this tumor. I have helped drive him and my Step Mom back and forth and I have been very Blessed to have this opportunity to help them during this difficult time in their lives.

In the process of this, I have had the opportunity to begin a relationship with my brother Rick, who is 3 years older than I am. I am hoping that this will develop into a lasting friendship at least! It has been weird knowing that I have a brother that I hardly know but maybe this door will open into a growing relationship with him!
I am looking at maybe taking an EMT Basic course beginning in February to perhaps open a door of opportunity to work at NuCare. I have discovered in the past year that I am going to have to reinvent myself to make me attractive to a prospective employer and I'm afraid that the furniture industry is a dying machine. Hopefully I will be able to absorb all the information that will come my way if that is the direction that God is leading me into...and if it is, I will be successful! ☺
When I think back on this year I can't help but wonder what God is up to as far as where He would have Denise and I to go to church. I have had two people to come on board to help me with PowerPoint at Grace Covenant, so that has opened a door for me to go with Denise to Fellowship, where she has been playing piano since about April of this year. We have some good friends at each church and it has been impossible for me to choose where to go. It's a bit unfair to be torn between the two, as Denise and I have no hard feelings whatsoever at Grace but God opened this door for her to go to Fellowship and in the process my Mom has started to go back there as well.
But do you know what I've discovered during this whole time??? What do I know????????? ♥♥

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